Simplify payment

PCI Compliant
Stay secure with PCI compliance
5-Star Service
Get Help from Legendary CampLife Support
Robust Reporting
Save Time with Built-in Payment Reporting

Simplify reconciliation.

All payment data including transactions, disbursements, and disputes are displayed and tracked in the CampLife Pay interface. No more trying to track down data from multiple sources. Each transaction is linked to the original invoice and dates of batched transactions are listed clearly. 

Click a transaction to see all related disbursements

Fight chargebacks with confidence.

Combined with our Sign+Store feature, CampLife Pay blows the whistle on chargebacks in real time so you can take action. And as the payment processor, CampLife will advocate for you, because you deserve to be paid for the service you provide.

Monitor payment disputes in realtime

Need help? Call the CampLife Customer Success team.

If you encounter any issues with payments or disbursements, it’s our Customer Success team you’ll be in contact with—so no super long waits and no boring elevator music.

Ready to add CampLife Pay to your plan? Reach out to our Customer Success team. We’re happy to help you get started.

Get timely help on your payment questions from CampLife's award-winning support team

Is your Payment processor a good fit?

Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
The cover of the payment processor checklist PDF with the title "How to Evaluate Your Payment Processor"

Count on transparent Pricing.

(See what we did there?)

Transactions in Canada:

2.7% to 2.9% + $0.15

Transactions in the US:

2.7% to 2.9% + $0.10

ECheck (ACH) and chargeback processing incur additional fees as detailed below.*

Onboard in under a week.


Contact CampLife's Customer Success team. They’ll give you access to add CampLife Pay to your plan.


Apply for your merchant account. You’ll be asked to supply your business' DBA, EIN, and bank account numbers.


Set up your preferred payment methods. Upon merchant account approval, contact our support coaches and they’ll help you get everything ready to go!

Ready to get started?

*Hey, this is the fine print. We’ll keep it short. CampLife Pay is a 100% PCI compliant payment facilitator. It’s powered by Payrix, which means that it is subject to authorization and transaction fees that Payrix determines. Current US fees are: 2.7% card present; 2.9% card not present; $0.10 authorization fee per transaction. Current fees in Canada are: CAN: 2.7% card present; 2.9% card not present; $0.15 authorization fee per transaction. Passthrough fees: $0.30 ECheck sale or refund (ACH); $2.50 ECheck return; $15.00 chargeback request fee; $15.00 arbitration fee. That’s it. No hidden fees. More questions? Since we use their technology in our system, the customer support team your questions and concerns get sent to is yours truly, your friends at CampLife.